
Ingredients & Info SAUCE • 1 can peeled plum tomatoes • 1 medium onion • 4 cloves garlic, crushed • a pinch of salt VEGETABLES • 1 aubergine (eggplant) • 1 courgette (zucchini) • 1 red bell pepper • a Leer más…

Bubble Squeak

BUBBLE AND SQUEAK Ingredients & Info • leftover mashed potato • leftover vegetables such as cabbage, carrots, peas etc • 1 tsp chopped parsley • half a teaspoon ground black pepper PLUS Oil for frying Serves 4 Prep time: 5 Leer más…

Mushy peas

Ingredients & Info • 250 grams dried marrowfat (field) peas • 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda • tsp 1 salt PLUS Quite a lot of water. Serves 4 Soaking time: 4 hours. Cooking time: 30 minutes. Total time: 12 hours Leer más…

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